Thursday, July 11, 2013


     Where do we even begin......the past few weeks have been a whirl wind with work, training, and getting closer to Judah arriving.    The last week has been very stressful and really hasn't let up yet.     We are so close to Judah arriving, which also means what has been pretty smooth sailing from the get go minus a few minor hurdles we have come this far pretty good! (that last sentence was super long and probably not punctuated properly-yes I look at those things :D )  Anyways, last week we got another hurdle.   This hurdle is higher than our previous ones.  It has thrown stress levels a bit higher as well with everything combined coming closer to his due date.   
       We have unexpected attorney fees we did not really know about for this specific part of our adoption journey.     Kyle and I thought the rest of this would be pretty smooth sailing, and this hurdle has us shuffling things around financially.    
   It is hard writing some of these posts about fundraising and financing when all I want to discuss is how crazy excited we are to tell people the story of Judah and this wonderful woman that will be bringing him into this world.    We have gotten to know her some; she is very open and honest, friendly, super funny, laughing often, pretty sure she is smiling often too.   Even though we have not yet met face to face we know she is beautiful inside and out and we are blessed to even know her.
     Please pray for Kyle and I over this next week as we try and tackle getting over this hurdle.    Pray for peace and for funds to roll in, this week is very vital for finances.  Please pray with us, and if you know people who are willing and able to give, discuss our situation with them and see if they would be willing to help us out financially and prayerfully!  

Love you all!  
 -Donations can be mailed to our address or donated through our "donate" link directly at the top of this blog on the right hand side.