Monday, February 18, 2013

He's gonna be a good one

       Well we have had our first meeting for the homestudy, and it was actually fun, relaxing, nothing to worry about.     More papers came with it, but we are working away on getting stuff signed and put together to finish this homestudy process.  
Kyle and I, since we decided on adopting, have been praying for Judah and for his birth mom and dad.    Let me tell you it is really strange praying about that, but at the same time we feel a connection being made and we know that God has Judah.  Whether putting him together even now in his mother's womb or going through Judah's destiny and saying, oh this is gonna be a good one!  That is my mind going off, but you have to know that God knows us front to back and each time I think He says, oh she/he's gonna be a good one!
We pray that Judah will be an incredible lover of God and a worshipper.    That he will be outgoing in showing the love of the Father to others.       We pray that his birth parents that they would come to know the love of Jesus in their lives if they don't already know.     That God would keep them safe from harm and that no evil will befall them as it says in the Word.    
 I sit in the mornings and think of how different our days will be.  It brings a smile to my face daily.  
We had a friend tell us that everytime she puts money in to "Judah's Journey" jar that she prays for him as well.     And that she knows that though her part may be small in his journey, she knows that she is still a part of it all.   And we want people to  know that every donation, every piece of change stuck aside is all apart of bringing a son into a home.  It truly is you helping an orphan come into a Christ centered home and helping an orphan come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ.    It is about taking a son that a mother knows she can't fully care for on her own and she makes an extremely hard decision to place her son up for adoption knowing that a couple will be willing and able to give him a life that she cannot.

We are a ways off in having our funds raised for this full adoption journey.     We ask that you would continue to pray for us and if you are able to make a financial blessing towards Judah coming home we would be forever grateful.   

To donate you can either:

- use the "Donate" button on the bottom of our blog.  It is all secure and done through paypal.   You are not required to have a paypal account to donate.  Once you click on the donate button you can donate through your paypal account and there is also a spot if you do not have a paypal account you can still donate.  You can use your debit card or credit card.  

-another option is to mail Kyle and I a check directly, we have a seperate account set up specifically for our adoption and all our funds go there. If we are friends on Facebook send us a message and we can e-mail you our address.  Our you can comment on the post with your e-mail address and I can e-mail you our address.  

Thanks so much for helping Kyle and I become a family of 3!    Love you guys!

Here is a sneak peak at our puzzle fundraiser we will be doing soon!  I will keep you posted!

Friday, February 8, 2013


    What has transpired since Kyle's last post in January?   Many normal everyday things of course, but 1 big thing would be we sent in our Application on Feb. 1st.    1 month earlier than what we had planned.     Kyle and I were thinking it will be a full week before they receive the application then they have to get our references back and go from there to the homestudy.  Well.....application was received on Tuesday Feb. 5th and then Friday we get the e-mail stating they are coming to town on Tuesday the 12th and want to meet us.  Me..thinking oh they just want to meet's meet at 2 at your home for your home study.
OH......!  [heart racing]    Talk about acceleration!       Kyle and I have had a lot of stuff going on with the business and such so we were like...should we wait?...we never thought it was gonna happen that fast, but just as Kyle said on a facebook post, "You got to ride the wave or stand on the side and watch."    So, here we are beginning to ride the wave!!!   
God has a way of accelerating things that normally are not that fast.   2013 will be an accelerated year. It won't be in the aspect of going by quickly, but things you've been waiting for and praying for will come accelerated to you.    
I am a person that has everything lined up. I need to do this by this point and that by that point.   But God is the one in control.  It might not happen on how I have it scheduled or the timeline I have planned out, but know that HE will take care of all things in HIS timing for sure.    
God is good!!
