Friday, December 21, 2012

Red & Yellow Black & White......

  I am so thankful that we serve a God that wants to fulfill the desires of our heart, and that he takes that desire and keeps it for us and will bring it forth in His perfect timing like he always does.        I sit and think about how I would have adopted a son our daughter many years ago in our early years of marriage, but God allowed us to grow and I am so thankful for that!  For real, if we would have stepped out in this process our 2nd year of marriage or even our 3rd we just wouldn't have been ready in so many ways and God sees that.   Thank goodness He truly knows when to allow something and when to firmly close a door.
  Kyle and I both have always wanted to adopt.  We knew that we would have a blended family in the aspect of adopted children and biological children.    We each had an idea of how we wanted that order to go.     But then again that was our idea.    
As we venture on this path of adoption and God decides to bless us with biological children, well then praise God!   But praise Him just the same for the blessing of the child we will be bringing into our home through adoption!!     Both thoughts just bring such excitement and joy to me!      RED & YELLOW BLACK AND WHITE THEY ARE PRECIOUS IN HIS SIGHT, JESUS LOVES THE LITTLE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD.   

 Like I said in my previous post, 2013 IS going to be a wonderful year, it truly will be.    God is gonna do some great things not just personally, but for our church too.     We will be going into our 21 Day fast the beginning of January and I am believing for an explosion of clear direction, provision & wisdom to come out of it.     I won't list all the things I'm wanting God to do in 2013 and the people I want Him to wreck for the good, my expectation are high :) 

    Here's a peek at the jars we are taking to Iowa this next week over Christmas vacation.     We are thankful for friends & family willing to pray and collect for us.    
   If anybody is interested in receiving a jar or interested in donating let us know!      
   At the bottom of our blog we do have a donate button and it is all operated through secure paypal and funds will go directly into our adoption fund.   This again will not be a tax deductible donation.

Have a blessed Christmas season with friends and family and safe travels to those on the road!      Have a Happy Happy Happy new year!

Monday, December 17, 2012

In the Beginning

   And so it begins the journey of Judah.......
Never been one to blog our journal, it's all new to me, so bare with me!   
Excited to see the new things that will be coming to pass in 2013.  It will be a great year and hopefully closer to the day we will have our adopted son in our home.    
Thanks for reading about our journey.    I will keep you all posted :)