Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Trades of Hope Fundraiser

       Just within the last few days we have been asked many questions regarding adoption and even Judah's story of how he came into our lives. I love sharing our story and I love sharing the love we have for Judah's birth mom and the joy that he brings into our lives! 
We are so excited about this precious little girl out there that God has chosen to come into our lives. We are excited for her birth family and we pray for them and for her. We don't even know if she's born yet! We just know that God has her ready for us when that time comes. 
Our homestudy should be complete by end of April or very beginning of May. We ask that you'd join us by sharing our story. We have a goal we would like to hit by then, as we could have a sweet face by June or later. Please help us along the way.

   I promised a Trades of Hope Fundraiser and here it is!   This starts on Sunday, but feel free to look and start finding items you love so you can check out on Sunday!    
 The link below  will go directly to our fundraising party.  
Trades of Hope fundraiser!

 Thanks for your donation and your prayer support!    

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