Friday, February 12, 2016

State side

    2016 is looking like we will be growing our family to a family of 4 instead of 3.     Judah will get a sibling state side!       Our hearts are full of love and so we are adopting an infant sometime this year I hope.   And Haiti will be following soon after the little arrives home with us.    
 So what does it look like to adopt from the US and internationally?   Well, we are still uncertain as to if Haiti will allow a dual adoption process.   So the way Kyle and I look at it is 2016 there will be another baby girl in the Hillerud home sometime and then we start 2017 with our Haiti adoption.

Some think we are a little crazy in the head and you know what maybe a little! But when there is a birth mom choosing life and needs to find a loving family for her baby then let me help you.    When there are children being left in orphanages in Haiti, and all countries for that matter, Let us do something.     "Something" equals charities, giving, praying, being a voice, and then some are called to help through adoption.    

   Please continue to share our posts.  We have a long long ways to go and every little bit counts.  
I just shared with somebody about collecting change for us and they are willing!    If you can do that please let me know.  

I am having a trades of hope fundraiser towards the end of February, beginning of March so please stay tuned for that!      
Please remember we have our donate link to the right of our blog - "Donate"  as well as linke to our GoFund Me page.   So 2 different ways to donate.   If you would like to send anything to us directly contact us via facebook private message.  

Thanks so much for helping us!  

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