Tuesday, May 28, 2013

We've come thus far...& more to come!

Hello Everybody! 
    Where to begin?   Our garage sale was a success!  Did we sell everything, no, but the majority of it  we did.  We have been accumulating baby items:)
 Judah has a place to sleep on each floor now!  We got our stroller travel system the other day too! This is happening man! 
  We have been blessed by so many people, too many to name here.  We are so grateful for you guys!   
 Our Judah is gonna be here soon and we are thrilled- excited-terrified-ready-not ready-but more ready.  
  Judah has been a thought and passion in our minds for years now.  We began to really   start praying for him in 2012.  And praying  for his mom for protection and to keep her safe and to keep Judah safe from harm.   January of 2013 we thought we'd look at starting into the adoption journey.   Our first ever application was post marked to Gods Children Adoption Agency. (Which mind you, they are amazing) and 4 days later Lindsey called to set up our first home study! She was in our home 7 days after mailing our application out.   Right then and there Kyle and I knew that this just might go fast and not a year long process thing that we had in mind.  Our home study was completed April 25th.  And we prayed that the baby emails we received, we would both be at peace about moving forward on.  We received 5 e-mails and nothing clicked to move ahead on, which we then turned those e-mails into prayers for those moms and babies. 
  And then..... May1st.   Kyle and I received an email about a mom pregnant with a boy and something inside Kyle and I got a little excited.  Needless to say our year long adoption process, which we thought would happen, was blown out of the water. 
  God truly had something good in store. 
I will stop for now and give you more details  when I can.  
 Please consider purchasing one ofJudah's  puzzle pieces for his room. 
We still have $300 pieces left.  
 Maybe you know of other's that may want to help.   The puzzle pieces are $10 a piece and we would love for friends and family and extended friends and family to share in a small piece of Judah's life.  

Heres Kyle's stroller project

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