What has transpired since Kyle's last post in January? Many normal everyday things of course, but 1 big thing would be we sent in our Application on Feb. 1st. 1 month earlier than what we had planned. Kyle and I were thinking it will be a full week before they receive the application then they have to get our references back and go from there to the homestudy. Well.....application was received on Tuesday Feb. 5th and then Friday we get the e-mail stating they are coming to town on Tuesday the 12th and want to meet us. Me..thinking oh they just want to meet us...no....Let's meet at 2 at your home for your home study.
OH......! [heart racing] Talk about acceleration! Kyle and I have had a lot of stuff going on with the business and such so we were like...should we wait?...we never thought it was gonna happen that fast, but just as Kyle said on a facebook post, "You got to ride the wave or stand on the side and watch." So, here we are beginning to ride the wave!!!
God has a way of accelerating things that normally are not that fast. 2013 will be an accelerated year. It won't be in the aspect of going by quickly, but things you've been waiting for and praying for will come accelerated to you.
I am a person that has everything lined up. I need to do this by this point and that by that point. But God is the one in control. It might not happen on how I have it scheduled or the timeline I have planned out, but know that HE will take care of all things in HIS timing for sure.
God is good!!
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