Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Garage Sale time again!

     Oh the joys of putting another sale together!    We are 2.5 weeks away from our fundraising garage sale.  If you have anything you'd like to donate we can start receiving items now.       We are looking for larger items as we do not need an over abundance of clothing.       Furniture you may not be using anymore, shabby chic items, etc...those are some things we may be looking for.     
     I tell myself don't forget the reason "why", because that is what drives us.   I have a dream board/vision board in my kitchen that I see everyday.     I use it for my Rodan + Fields business, but you better believe the adoption is on there.     Let your "Why" drive you.

Even though we are moving slower I am thankful that God has His hand in it and I give up the control, that I feel I need, to Him.    His timing truly always prevails.      Our social worker had to remind me of this this week as we talked this adoption journey again.       

We have hurdles and fees due.     I will be really real with you now.     $3000 due  now and an even larger amount due after that.        Would love all the help we can get from our friends and family.     
If you would like us to send one of our letters out to you let us know by commenting below or messaging us on Facebook.        

We are excited as to what this 2016 holds for us.     It's going to be good because the hills and hurdles have been real.

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