Friday, May 10, 2013

Judah's Journey Home

Hey everybody!
         Kyle and I have been in a whirlwind for about a week with this fast forward motion of Judah's Journey.     We are truly leaning on the One who provides for all our needs.   Truly thankful that we can cast every care upon the Lord because He truly cares for us!   In every situation He cares.  
I will say that our God has not brought us this far to fail us, but to go above and beyond our imaginations.    
Kyle and I are seeing His hand at work a lot during this last week, and we are so grateful. Not just in our adoption journey, but also in Kyle's business. 
Thankful that we serve a God who is always near, He hears our cries and answers them.    

Do we have our funds raised?  No, but still pressing ahead and praying for favor.  We still are in need of  a large chunk of money to come in by June 15th. Let's just say about $16,000 would be perfect, not above and beyond, but perfect.  God's got the whole world in His hands. 

Things coming up would be MAY 23, MAY 24, MAY 25.  These are the dates of our adoption fundraiser/bake sale fundraiser.    Please come out and support our Journey of bringing Judah home!   Tons of items!  dining room tables, a love seat, gun cabinet...and more larger pieces.  Check out the ad on under the rummage sale section.

We still have pieces of our puzzle available as well!   Remember our puzzle pieces are $10 a piece and once the puzzle pieces are all bought up we will put it together and this will actually be framed with all of the families names on the pieces they have bought and be hung in Judah's bedroom.
 If you would like to make a donation you can use our "donate" button directly on the blog or you can contact me via FB or mail us a check. Kyle and Micale Hillerud
                                                                                 1134 N. 28th Street
                                                                                  Bismarck, ND 58501
Help us out by getting the word out and maybe your friends and relatives might be interested in making a donation and being a part of bringing in our Judah to make us 3.

Judah means praise and thanks.  It is interesting that through this whole process it has had it's ups and downs, twists and turns, but never slowing, only accelerating.   And it really has been a journey of Praise and Thanks as well as faith, and total trust in God.  

Love you all,

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