Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The best adoption ever...

Well, so here is my first entry, Micale has been doing all the writing so far.  The best adoption ever happened the day I gave my life to Jesus.  The bible says we are adopted sons and daughters of God and in the spirit of adoption we cry out. "Abba Father".  One of the greatest parts of this adoption is that my heritage completely changed that day.  I was taken out of the kingdom of darkness and put into the kingdom of light.  I believe this takes place also when we adopt.  Their heritage changes.  They are still who they are, but their birthright is now different.  One can come from a background of nothing and be adopted into a family of greatness.  The bible tells us that religion that is perfect is to, "look after widows, orphans and those in need."  When we do for the least of these we do unto Jesus himself.  Adoption is more than what most people understand today, it is perfect in the eyes of Jesus.  I believe every person who calls themselves a christian has on obligation to adopt or help in the care of orphans, which ever.  God is the greatest example of all, He adopted us into his family, Jesus gave up His birthright so that we could walk in it instead of our original birthright which was darkness.  Kyle

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