Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Reminiscing & memories of a strong woman

       We have been chugging away on our stack of papers and "to do's."      As I was working on our profile book this evening, the book that birth mom's are able to view and see who we are, what we stand for, our family etc...,  I was going through pictures of Judah's birth and his amazing mama.  
  I was brought to tears just remembering those moments with her and remembering her face, her expressions, her love for Judah, as well as her sadness, yet being strong in the midst of it all.   I remember the day she left the hospital and we said goodbye.    It felt like I was saying goodbye to a best friend that I would not see for a very long time.   My heart ached that day a lot as I held Judah and cried.   As I prayed for his mom as she was wheeled out of the room that day.       I love her, I always will.    It is an honor to be able to raise her child as our very own, and to be able to call him our son.   There is just so much good in that right there.     She chose the best for him.     Her love is great.

Each story is different in adoption, I don't now how this next story will go, but I pray nothing but good of course.      God is good.


Thursday, March 10, 2016

Make more copies!

     We just finished up our Trades of Hope fundraiser and I'd like to thank everyone who was able to purchase and attend that virtual event!  We raised funds and helped women around the globe!      
     This beginning stages of paperwork has come in the mail this week and I've been working on it in between naps and what not.    What was nice is I didn't have to search and search for our taxes!    And I even made a folder labeled "Extra everything", which means I copied 2 of each item and stuck it in there.  Because you know what?  You WILL need it again for something else.     
    So all you people in the adoption process, just start making extra copies of items that you need for that 1 stack of papers you are filling out.  You will more than likely need it for a different stack/form again.               

     I had a wonderful friend, whom we haven't talked to in quite awhile, call us yesterday.      She is in Texas and we stayed with her when we went their to adopt Judah.      If you have not heard that story about God putting things together for us in Texas for lodging then by all means I should recap that on another post.     But let me tell you God was in the fine details.    We didn't pay a dime for lodging and we gained a friend who we did not event know in the beginning.    Not just her, but her children, her grandchildren, her sisters family, and even more.   I could just go on and on about that.     It still blesses me knowing we have "family" down in Texas :)         Who knows maybe this next little one will be born there too.

      Thank-you so much for the donations we have gotten on our blog through the "donate"  tab on the right hand side.  You guys are awesome and thanks for being a piece and a hand to help along our journey.       
     We still have a ways to go for a goal financially, but God is in the details.   We just keep moving ahead as planned.       

     We love you guys and continue to pray and share our posts with your friends and family.    Spread the good news of adoption!