I never fully believed people when they 'said how the time fly's when the kids are young and to cherish every minute of it. It has been almost 2 years ago that Judah was born. He has been full of joy and laughter the whole time with currently the major breakdowns of a toddler. Can't figure out his new sippy cup, the sky is falling in!! Can't get food on his spoon or fork, the sky is falling in!!! Luna, the dog, is in his space, the sky is....well, that's actually a legit annoyance for Judah, Kyle and myself. NO lie.
So far this summer it has brought time with cousins, water fun, skateboard rides, still trying to figure out his cozy coupe from his first birthday, and trying to get along with the new dog.
Luna is now 6 months old and Judah has learned that sometimes Luna will take what she wants of his toys just because. Also will be in his face while he is trying to build blocks, and he now knows that the appropiate response for the dogs bad behavior is pointy your finger and saying/yelling NO NO!
We are expecting some amazing things in 2015. We have begun saving again for our next adoption journey! It truly is exciting for us and we are asking again to join us in prayer on this journey.
We will be selling coffee again, but with a different company called Coffee for Hope. I talked with them the beginning of the year and told them we are going to use them and we are super excited about it! Mainly because we are coffee freaks! WE LOVE COFFEE! We will have that set-up soon our website. Our DONATE link is active as well. That is all done through paypal or you can send to us directly through paypal too if you don't want to use the link on the website either.
We will be having an Amazon link too, so if you shop on Amazon....use out link!!!!! A portion of the proceeds will go to us. I also partnered with the same doctors who created Proactiv, Dr Rodan and Dr. Fields. They started in the anti-aging market and so I jumped on board! A portion of the income from my business will be going to this as well! If you want more info on let me know!
We will do our Judah Journey jars as well.
So toss your extra change in your jar and bring it to us or if you live in Iowa, feel free to give to my sister and she can get it to our account!
So let the Adoption Journey begin! Please share with others.